Starbucks Summer Game 2020 Instant Win Game (Over 2 Million Winners)
Posted On August 27, 2020

To Enter without Making a Purchase: During the Promotion Period, to play without making a purchase, visit Promotion Site and follow the links and instructions to complete and submit the entry form. An email with a unique link will be sent to the email address you provided on the form. Click on the unique link to enter the Promotion Site and sign into your Account and you will have received one (1) game play.
Instant Win Game Prizes:
TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (2,500) FIRST PRIZES: Two hundred (200) Bonus Stars which will be automatically added to their Starbucks Rewards Account used to register for the Promotion. ARV: $6.60.
FIVE THOUSAND (5,000) SECOND PRIZES: One hundred fifty (150) Bonus Stars which will be automatically added to their Starbucks Rewards Account used to register for the Promotion. ARV: $4.95.
ONE HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND (150,000) THIRD PRIZES: A free product coupon good for an Iced Cold Brew or Iced Coffee Beverage (any size). Terms and conditions of coupons apply. ARV: $3.51.
ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND (160,000) FOURTH PRIZES: A coupon good for 50% off a Frappuccino® blended beverage or Iced Espresso Beverage (any size). Terms and conditions of coupons apply.
ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND (160,000) FIFTH PRIZES: A coupon good for 50% off a Starbucks Refreshers® beverage or Iced Tea (any size). Terms and conditions of coupons apply.
FORTYFIVE THOUSAND (45,000) SIXTH PRIZES: Fifty (50) Bonus Stars which will be automatically added to their Starbucks Rewards Account used to register for the Promotion. ARV: $1.65.
FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND (400,000) SEVENTH PRIZES: Twenty-five (25) Bonus Stars which will be automatically added to their Starbucks Rewards Account used to register for the Promotion. ARV: $0.83.
ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND (1,200,000) EIGHTH PRIZES: Ten (10) Bonus Stars which will be automatically added to their Starbucks Rewards Account used to register for the Promotion. ARV: $0.33.
TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (2,500) PHASE 1 PRIZES: An Uber Eats promo code valid for up to $10 off one (1) order at participating Starbucks available on the Uber Eats app or in your web browser. Terms and conditions apply. Promo code can only be used for Starbucks purchases through Uber Eats. Code expires November 30, 2020. ARV: up to $10.00. TWO
THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (2,500) PHASE 2 PRIZES: A S’mores Frappuccino™ pool floatie. ARV: $50.00.
TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (2,500) PHASE 3 PRIZES: A Starbucks® 24oz Plastic Red Kaleidoscope cold cup. ARV: $19.95.
TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (2,500) PHASE 4 PRIZES: A Starbucks® Summer Game towel. ARV: $30.00. T
WO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (2,500) PHASE 5 PRIZES: A $10 Starbucks digital gift card. Terms and conditions of gift cards apply. ARV: $10.00.a