Taco Bell Xbox Series X Instant Win Game (4,032 Winners!)
Posted On October 16, 2020

You can use the below codes starting October 22
Online Code Request: Between 12:00:00 AM PT on October 22, 2020 and 11:59:59 PM PT on November 4, 2020, an eligible consumer may use the following Codes: SX7YR97XYV96, SX7V936NBPP9, SX7NLYZNHCZ6 (each an “Online Code”). Each Online Code is non-unique and may be used up to one [1] time per entrant per day
There is a limit of three (3) total Game Plays per entrant/email address/per phone number, per day, during the Game Period.
Game Prizes (4,032): Each verified Game winner will receive an Xbox Series X bundle which includes: Xbox Series X console and six (6) months of Xbox Game Pass Ultimate (“Game Prize”). The ARV of each prize is $599. The total number of Prizes awarded in the Game will not exceed four thousand and thirty-two (4,032). Limit one (1) Prize per person/household. This product and its manufacturer’s suggested retail price have not been released to market at the time of print. The ARV of Game Prizes is subject to price fluctuations in the consumer marketplace based on, among other things, any gap in time between the date the ARV is estimated for purposes of these Official Rules and the date the Game Prize is awarded or redeemed. Any difference between stated value and actual value will not be awarded.