Miller Lite x Pro Football Hall Of Fame Instant Win Game and Sweepstakes (203 Winners!)
Posted On December 25, 2021

Prizes (203 total): The following prizes will be awarded in the Promotion:
Grand Prizes (3): Each “Grand Prize is a three (3) days/two (2) night trip for two (2) people – the Grand Prize winner and one (1) guest who is at least twenty-one (21) years of age (the “Group”) – to the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. Three (3) Grand Prizes will be available in the Promotion. The ARV of each Grand Prize is $2,278.
First Prizes (100): Each “First Prize” is a Miller Lite X Pro Football Hall of Fame jacket (size and style selected by Sponsor in its sole discretion) and a beverage wrap. One hundred (100) First Prizes will be available in the Promotion. The ARV of each First Prize is $100.
Second Prizes (100): Each “Second Prize” is the opportunity to participate in a virtual game day chalk talk with a “Gold Jacket” (an inductee into the Pro Football Hall of Fame) with other Second Prize winners. Gold Jacket member attendance is subject to availability, and the virtual event must be conducted at times designated by the Sponsor. If a Second Prize winner is unable to join any virtual event at the time/date specified by Sponsor, he/she will forfeit the Second Prize. Second Prize winners are responsible for downloading the streaming service to participate (Zoom, Hangouts, etc.) as designated by Sponsor in its sole discretion, or they will forfeit their Second Prize. One hundred (100) Second Prizes will be available in the Promotion. The ARV of each Second Prize is $80.
Total ARV: The total ARV of all available prizes in the Promotion is $24,834.