Dunkin’ Savings Time Spring Instant Win Game (31,000 Winners)
Posted On April 10, 2022

Enter daily for a chance to win the Dunkin’ Savings Time Spring Instant Win Game! Ends on April 10, 2022. Good Luck!
Each entrant may play the Instant Win Game up to two (2) times per day. If you play the Instant Win Game during any day and receive a non-winning message, you will receive one (1) additional Instant Win Game play for that day.
Instant Win Game Prizes, Coupons and Tell A Friend Instant Win Game Prizes:
Instant Win Game Prizes: Thirty-one thousand (31,000) random, computer-generated winning times, one for each prize listed below, will be generated during the Promotion Period. For the $8.00 Dunkin’ Promo eCard Instant Win Game Prize and the $6.00 Dunkin’ Promo eCard Instant Win Game Prize, there will be five hundred (500) random, computer generated winning times generated per calendar day during the Promotion Period.
Instant Win Game Coupons: There will also be one hundred ten thousand ninety-eight (110,098) random, computer-generated winning times, one for each coupon listed below, that will be generated during the Promotion Period. All coupons will be randomly generated throughout the Promotion Period. If you are the first player to play the Instant Win Game at or after one of the randomly generated times, you will be a potential instant winner of the Instant Win Game prize/coupon indicated.
Tell-A-Friend Instant Win Game Prizes: There will also be up to six thousand two hundred (6,200) Tell-A-Friend Instant Win Game prizes, one for each prize listed below. If a potential Instant Win Game Prize winner registered for the Promotion after clicking on a link sent through the Tell-A-Friend program, the entrant who referred the potential Instant Win Game prize winner will win a Tell-A-Friend Instant Win Game Prize. Referred winners of an Instant Win Game Coupon will not trigger the awarding of a Tell-A-Friend Instant Win Game Prize. For further clarification, if your referred friend wins a $6.00 Dunkin’ Promo eCard, you will win a $6.00 Dunkin’ Promo eCard Tell-A-Friend Instant Win Game Prize. If your referred friend wins a $8.00 Dunkin’ Promo eCard, you will win a $8.00 Dunkin’ Promo eCard TellA-Friend Instant Win Game Prize.