Earthbound Farm Earth Day Tote Bag Giveaway (3,503 Winners!)
Posted On April 25, 2022

Grand Prizes Include:
Three (3) Grand Prizes will be awarded during the Contest Period. Each Grand Prize will consist of one (1) RadExpand 5 Electric Folding Bike (color to be selected solely by Sponsor), valued at approximately One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars and Zero Cents ($1,500.00) (including shipping); and one (1) Earthbound Farm 2022 Tote Bag, with an approximate retail value of ($7.00) (including shipping).
Additional Prizes Include:
(3,500) Additional Prizes will be awarded during the Contest Period. Each Additional Prize will consist of one (1) Earthbound Farm 2022 Tote Bag, with an approximate retail value of __Seven__ Dollars and Zero Cents ($7.00)